
Author: birthstones

Top 10 Most Popular Yellow Gemstones

There are a number of beautiful and famous yellow gemstones that have been used throughout history for their color, meaning and interesting facts. Here is a list of the top 10 most famous yellow gemstones:

1. Amber

Amber is one of the most popular yellow gemstones, and is often used in jewelry. It is formed from the resin of trees, and has been used since prehistoric times. Amber has a warm, golden color and is said to represent the sun. It is believed to have healing properties, and is associated with fertility and good luck.

2. Citrine

Citrine is a yellow variety of quartz that ranges in color from pale lemon to orange-brown. It is named after the citron fruit, due to its similarity in color. Citrine is thought to promote success and abundance, and is believed to bring good luck. It is also said to represent joy and happiness.

3. Topaz

Topaz is a yellow gemstone that ranges in color from pale lemon to golden-brown. It is the birthstone for the month of November, and is associated with good fortune. Topaz is said to promote creativity and success, and is believed to bring happiness and peace.

4. Tourmaline

Tourmaline is a yellow gemstone that ranges in color from pale yellow to greenish-yellow. It is named after the Tamil word “turamali”, which means “stone of mixed colors”. Tourmaline is thought to promote balance and harmony, and is believed to bring good luck. It is also said to represent strength and courage.

5. Peridot

Peridot is a yellow-green gemstone that ranges in color from olive green to lime green. It is the birthstone for the month of August, and is associated with good fortune. Peridot is said to promote growth and abundance, and is believed to bring happiness and peace.

6. Zircon

Zircon is a yellow gemstone that ranges in color from pale yellow to golden-brown. It is named after the Persian word “zarigun”, which means “golden colored”. Zircon is thought to promote truth and wisdom, and is believed to bring good luck. It is also said to represent fidelity and harmony.

7. Chrysoprase

Chrysoprase is a greenish-yellow gemstone that ranges in color from light green to apple green. It is named after the Greek word “chrysos”, which means “golden”. Chrysoprase is thought to promote prosperity and good fortune, and is believed to bring happiness and peace. It is also said to represent balance and harmony.

8. Jade

Jade is a yellow-green gemstone that ranges in color from light green to emerald green. It is the birthstone for the month of March, and is associated with good luck. Jade is said to promote wisdom and understanding, and is believed to bring happiness and peace. It is also said to represent purity and serenity.

9. Tigers Eye –

Tigers eye is a golden-brown stone that is said to promote courage, strength and power. It is also believed to assist in decision making and help to overcome obstacles.

10. Yellow Sapphire –

Yellow sapphire is a beautiful yellow stone that is said to represent wisdom, prosperity and good fortune. It is also believed to assist in decision making and help to overcome obstacles.

These are just a few of the most famous yellow gemstones out there. Do you have a favorite? Let us know in the comments below!

Most Powerful Gemstones to Attract Money, Luck, & Prosperity

There are a variety of gemstones that are said to attract money, luck, and prosperity. Some of the most powerful gemstones for attracting these things are:

1. Jade

Jade is known as the “fortune stone” and is said to bring good luck. It is also used to attract money, success, and prosperity.

2. Citrine

Citrine is known as the “success stone” and is said to promote success, abundance, and prosperity. It is also used to attract money and wealth.

3. Amber

Amber is known as the “luck stone” and is said to bring good luck, fortune, and success. It is also used to attract money and wealth.

4. Tigers Eye

Tigers Eye is known as the “stone of protection” and is said to bring good luck, fortune, and success. It is also used to attract money and wealth.

5. Malachite

Malachite is known as the “stone of transformation” and is said to promote change, progress, and success. It is also used to attract money and wealth.

6. Aventurine

Aventurine is known as the “stone of opportunity” and is said to bring good luck, fortune, and success. It is also used to attract money and wealth.

7. fluorite

Fluorite is known as the “crystal of manifestation” and is said to promote clarity, focus, and success. It is also used to attract money and wealth.

8. peridot

Peridot is known as the “stone of prosperity” and is said to bring good luck, fortune, and success. It is also used to attract money and wealth.

9. tourmaline

Tourmaline is known as the “stone of power” and is said to promote strength, endurance, and success. It is also used to attract money and wealth.

10. jasper

Jasper is known as the “supreme nurturer” and is said to bring good luck, fortune, and success. It is also used to attract money and wealth.

These are just some of the most powerful gemstones that you can use to attract money, luck, and prosperity into your life. If you are serious about manifesting your desires, then I suggest that you start using them today. Remember, the Universe is always giving us signs and signals. It’s up to us to decipher them and take action accordingly

How to Read Palms: A Beginner’s Guide

Looking to learn how to read palms? You’ve come to the right place!

In this beginner’s guide, we will cover the basics of palmistry – what it is, how to read palms, and what the different lines on your hand mean.

By the end of this guide, you will be able to start reading palms like a pro! So let’s get started…

What is Palmistry?

Palmistry is the ancient art of analyzing someone’s character and future prospects by studying the lines on their hands. It is also sometimes referred to as “chiromancy” or “cheiromancy”.

The practice of palmistry is thought to date back thousands of years and has been used by many different cultures across the world.

How to Read Palms?

There are three main lines that are used in palmistry readings: the heart line, head line, and life line.

The heart line starts at the edge of the palm under the pinky finger and extends across to the other side. It is responsible for indicating a person’s romantic life and emotional health.

The head line starts in between the thumb and index finger and also extends across to the other side. It represents a person’s thinking process and overall intelligence.

The life line starts at the edge of the palm under the thumb and goes all the way to the bottom of the hand. It represents a person’s physical health and general well-being.

There are also different symbols that can appear on these lines (e.g., stars, crosses, etc.) that can indicate certain things about the person they belong to.

For example, if you have a star in your life line, it might mean that you will enjoy good health and success throughout life. If you find a cross in your head line, however, it could mean challenges in intelligence or an urge to be more religious/spiritual.

What Do Different Lines Mean?

The signs and symbols found on a person’s palm can tell us a lot about their personality traits and future prospects.

The head line, for example, is said to indicate a person’s intelligence and ability to think critically. If you have a fork at the end of your head line, it might mean that you are very perceptive and can easily see through someone’s words.

The life line signifies health and overall well-being. People with a long life line are believed to be blessed with good health throughout their lives, whereas people with short life lines may not be as fortunate in this regard. A small break in the life line could mean that a person will experience some sort of illness or injury during their lifetime.

Finally, the heart line shows how someone handles their romantic relationships (if they even have any at all!). A long and straight heart line indicates a person who is loyal and committed in love, whereas a shorter or curved heart line might represent someone who is more prone to infidelity.

Palmistry can be a fun way to learn more about yourself and those around you. Just remember that it should never be used to make major life decisions – after all, your future is ultimately up to you!

Kundli Doshas and Remedies in Astrology

Kundli dosha is a major concern in astrology. Kundli dosha can be classified into two types – permanent and temporary. Permanent Kundli data cannot be removed completely, but its effects can be minimized by performing the appropriate remedies. Temporary kundli dosha can be removed completely by performing the prescribed remedies.

The most common permanent kundli doshas are:

1) Sarpa Dosha: This Dosha occurs when all the planets are hemmed between Rahu and Ketu. The native suffers from health problems, financial instability, legal troubles and difficulties in married life. The prescribed remedy for this Dosha is to perform the Sarpa Dosha Nivarana Pooja.

2) Kalathra Dosha: This Dosha occurs when the planet Moon is debilitated in the birth chart. The native suffers from mental instability, health problems and financial difficulties. The prescribed remedy for this Dosha is to perform the Kalathra Dosha Nivarana Pooja.

3) Pitru Dosha: This Dosha occurs when the planet Sun is afflicted in the birth chart. The native suffers from health problems, financial troubles and difficulties in professional life. The prescribed remedy for this Dosha is to perform the Pitru Dosha Shanti Pooja.

4) Manglik Dosha: This Dosha occurs when Mars is placed in the 1st, 4th, 7th, 8th or 12th house of the birth chart. The native suffers from health problems, financial troubles, legal troubles and difficulties in married life. The prescribed remedy for this Dosha is to perform the Manglik Dosha Shanti Pooja.

5) Rahu Ketu Dosha: This Dosha occurs when Rahu and Ketu are placed in the 1st, 4th, 7th, 8th or 12th house of the birth chart. The native suffers from health problems, financial instability, legal troubles and difficulties in married life. The prescribed remedy for this Dosha is to perform the Rahu Ketu Dosha Nivarana Pooja.

The most common temporary kundli doshas are:

1) Graha Doshas: These Doshas occur when the planets are afflicted in the birth chart. The native suffers from health problems, financial troubles and difficulties in professional life. The prescribed remedy for these Doshas is to perform the relevant Graha Shanti Pooja.

2) Dosha due to planetary transits: These Doshas occur when the planets transit through the unfavourable houses in the birth chart. The native suffers from health problems, financial troubles and difficulties in professional life. The prescribed remedy for these Doshas is to perform the relevant Graha Shanti Pooja.

3) Dosha due to eclipses: These Doshas occur when there are eclipses in the birth chart. The native suffers from health problems, financial troubles and difficulties in professional life. The prescribed remedy for these Doshas is to perform the relevant Graha Shanti Pooja.

The above are the most common kundli doshas that occur in a person’s birth chart. These doshas can be removed completely by performing the prescribed remedies.

If you want to know more about Kundli doshas and their remedies, then you can consult an astrologer.

Manglik Dosha Effects and Remedies

What is Manglik Dosha?

Manglik dosha is an astrological condition that occurs when Mars, the planet of energy and aggression, is present in a person’s birth chart. This can create problems in a person’s life, especially in terms of relationships and marriage.

How Does Manglik Dosha Affect a Person’s Life?

People who have Manglik dosha in their birth chart are said to be prone to violence, anger, and other negative emotions. They may also have difficulty in sustaining relationships. Because of this, it is believed that people with Manglik dosha should marry someone who also has the condition. Otherwise, the relationship is likely to be tumultuous.

Can Manglik Dosha Be Remedied?

There are various remedies that can be performed to nullify the effects of Manglik Dosha. Some of the most popular remedies are:

1) Performing a special puja on Tuesdays and Fridays at a Mangal temple.

2) Worshipping Lord Hanuman on Tuesdays.

3) Donating red things like clothes, food items, etc. to needy people on Tuesdays.

4) Wearing a gold ring in the middle finger of the right hand.

5) Applying red vermilion (kumkum) on the forehead every day.

6) Refraining from non-vegetarian food, alcohol, and cigarettes.

7) Reading Mangal Stotra every day.

8) Doing charity work on Tuesdays and Fridays.

9) Wearing a red coral on the neck or a diamond on the middle finger of the right hand.

10) Seeking the blessings of elders and Guruji.

What Are the Consequences of Not Remediating Manglik Dosha?

If Manglik dosha is not remedied, it is said that the person will have a shortened life span, problems with marriage and relationships, and difficulty having children. Additionally, they may suffer from health problems such as headaches, skin diseases, and kidney stones.

How Can I Tell if I Have Manglik Dosha?

There are a number of ways to tell if you have Manglik dosha. One is to look at your birth chart. If Mars is present in the first, second, fourth, seventh, eighth, or twelfth house, then you may have the condition. Another way to tell is by considering your horoscope. If Mars is aspecting (or looking at) any of your planets in an unfavorable way, then you may be Manglik.

What Should I Do if I Think I Might Be Manglik?

If you think you might be Manglik, the best thing to do is to consult with an experienced astrologer. They will be able to take a look at your birth chart and horoscope to confirm whether or not you have the condition. Once they have made a determination, they can then advise you on the best course of action to take.

Manglik dosha is a serious astrological condition that can have far-reaching consequences if it is not remedied. If you think you might be Manglik, be sure to consult with an experienced astrologer who can help you understand your condition and what steps you need to take to mitigate its effects.

Vastu Shastra Tips To Bring Good Luck For Your New Home

Vastu shastra is a traditional Hindu system of architecture that aims to promote harmony and balance in the built environment.

Vastu shastra is based on the principle of five elements – earth, water, fire, air, and space. The goal of Vastu shastra is to create structures that are in harmony with these five elements. This harmony is thought to bring about positive energy and good fortune.

There are many different schools of Vastu shastra, each with its own interpretations of the principles. However, all schools of Vastu shastra share a common goal: to create spaces that are harmonious and balanced, and that promote wellbeing.

There are a few simple things you can do to ensure that your new home is in line with Vastu principles and that it will be a happy and prosperous place to live.

  1. Choose an auspicious day to move into your new home, such as an auspicious day in the Hindu calendar.
  2. Make sure the front door of your new home faces east or north. This will allow positive energy to flow into your home.
  3. Avoid having sharp corners in your new home, as they can create negative energy.
  4. The kitchen should be located in the southeast corner of the house, as this is the area associated with the fire element.
  5. The bedroom should be located in the southwest corner of the house, as this is the area associated with the water element.
  6. Place a statue of Ganesha, the god of good luck, in your new home to bless it and bring good fortune.
  7. Grow plants and flowers in your garden, as they will purify the air and create positive energy.
  8. Hang wind chimes near the door or windows of your new home, as they will ward off negative energy and bring good luck.

By following these simple Vastu tips, you can be sure that your new home will be a harmonious and prosperous place to live.

Everything To Know About Birthstones And How They Can Help You

If you’re looking for a way to add some extra meaning and personalization to your jewelry collection, you may want to consider birthstones. Birthstones are gemstones that are associated with specific months of the year, and they are believed to hold special powers and energies. Whether you choose to wear your birthstone as a necklace, ring, or earrings, it’s a great way to represent your unique personality and style.

Not sure which birthstone is right for you? Here’s everything you need to know about birthstones and how they can help you:

What Are Birthstones?

Birthstones are gemstones that correspond with specific months of the year. Each stone is said to hold different powers and energies that can be beneficial to the wearer. While some people choose to wear their birthstone as a piece of jewelry, others may use it as a talisman or good luck charm.

There are a few different origin stories for birthstones. One legend says that Aaron, the brother of Moses, wore a breastplate with 12 gemstones representing the 12 tribes of Israel. Another story claims that each month was assigned a stone by Marcus Agrippa, a Roman general and politician who lived in the first century AD.

Whatever their origins, birthstones have been used for centuries as a way to add meaning and personalization to jewelry.

How Do I Choose My Birthstone?

If you’re not sure which birthstone corresponds with your birth month, don’t worry – there’s an easy way to figure it out. Just consult the following chart:

Month Birthstone

January:  Garnet

February:  Amethyst

March:  Aquamarine

April:  Diamond

May:  Emerald

June:  Pearl, Alexandrite, Moonstone

July:  Ruby

August:  Peridot, Sardonyx

September:  Sapphire

October:  Opal, Tourmaline

November:  Topaz, Citrine

December:  Turquoise, Tanzanite, Zircon, Lapis Lazuli

As you can see, there are a few different options for each month. So if you’re looking for something specific, or you have a favorite gemstone, you should have no trouble finding a birthstone that’s perfect for you.

What Are the Powers and Energies of Birthstones?

Each birthstone is said to hold different powers and energies that can be beneficial to the wearer. For example, garnets are believed to represent eternal love and friendship. They’re also said to boost energy levels and promote overall health.

Amethysts, on the other hand, are said to be helpful for those who struggle with addiction. They’re also believed to encourage peace, balance, and clarity of mind.

If you’re looking for a stone that’s said to bring good luck, you may want to consider wearing a pearl during the month of June. Pearls are also thought to represent wisdom and innocence.

Of course, you don’t have to believe in the powers and energies of birthstones in order to enjoy wearing them. But it’s still fun to think about the different meanings and symbolism associated with each gemstone.

How Do I Wear My Birthstone?

There are a few different ways to incorporate your birthstone into your jewelry collection. One option is to choose a piece of jewelry that features your birthstone as the centerpiece, such as a necklace or ring.

You can also opt for a more subtle approach by choosing birthstone earrings or a bracelet with small gemstones. Or, if you want to get really creative, you can use your birthstone as an accent piece on a favorite piece of jewelry.

No matter how you choose to wear it, wearing your birthstone is a great way to add some extra meaning and personalization to your jewelry collection.

Are you looking for the perfect gift for a loved one? Why not give the gift of a birthstone necklace or ring? Birthstones make thoughtful and unique gifts that are sure to be cherished.

Do you want to learn more about birthstones and their powers and energies? Check out this article on everything you need to know about birthstones.

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